What does?

Selling the Selling performs two tasks.

The first pure sales and the second specific training through real cases.

The two activities are aimed to give priority to the following types of companies:

Small and medium companies that are facing the problem of managing a sales force's cost, organization and results.

Companies that have a product / service with highly innovative and high potential but have a poor sales result due to the non-communication skills or low skilled commercial people or simply not up to the lack of good sellers.

Those who want to create a commercial network but have no time to wait for the growth of its vendors, or do not know which method to rely.

Simply they do not have time to devote to the business but must sell.

To those who want to test the commercial potential of their product-service environments or in markets that are not acquiring their individual information on their customers. Those companies need a management of a spot commercial treaty / negotionation that require special skills.