What it does for you?

Specifically, the advantages Selling the Selling offers to its customers are:

Immediacy of results Since the need for training of sales staff will immediately proceed to action. An effective method regardless of the product. A thorough knowledge of the product service is not necessary. The customer, a true expert in his product, will provide the necessary technical support in the time that the deal requires.

I pay only for achievements Set objectives, plan activities, the investment will be related only to satisfaction with the objectives set.

Speed of implementation There is no need to convince the sellers of the goodness of the method and may confer negotiations already under way.

Reduction of fixed costs The client must not invest in its own sales network but rely on a number of vendors are ready with which to define the objectives to be achieved.

Reduction of costs incurred Money and time spent on the selection, recruitment and training of a sales network. Money to create "an environment" which is then betrayed by more after a good collection of experiences and skills.

Cost optimization of offer Better analysis of the real needs of the client and its investment capability dramatically reduces the number of bids or variants with a strong impact on costs.

Targeted investments in the sales acitivity Depending on the type of negotiation or specific commercial activity required, the customer chooses the vendor basing on the environment, ability or skill needed.

Total dedication to your core business It will not have to spend more time in selecting, recruiting and managing a network of sales. The customer can finally engage his business in what is experienced. Increase operating margins, a trade negotiation is undeniably better reason to higher margins. The attention to details such as terms of sale or the payments are often overlooked in negotiations but they are important points of discount. The limited knowledge of negotiation techniques often leads them to accept orders at a very low price level for fear of losing the job. The price level is unlikely to be changed in future.

Eliminate stress by negotiation The negotiation of its products business is vitiated by personal feelings that are often to the detriment of economic negotiations. I hardly saw a large employer to refuse an order before the request for a discount "indecent." Or negotiation with the customer is a friend who often grant ...

Image Negotiations conducted at a level higher than generated by the customer service and assigning a value to the product sold.

Serenity Through complete management of the route sales

Information Accurate and detailed reports of various activities.